Monday, October 15, 2012

Session 3                                      
Ms Pavithra Y S
Managing Director
Vindhya e information Pvt Ltd
Ms. Pavithra started by telling that Entrepreneur is a person who makes his/her innovation to commodity goods. She focused more on women entrepreneurs. Women are risk takers compared to men. In India, only 23% are employed and it is really less compared to other countries.
The most important thing an entrepreneur need is passion. Next thing is that you should enjoy your work. Entrepreneur is a person who would love to take risk. She then quoted the words of Michael Dell "Leaders do not wait for the right moment." It is very important to focus. Without pursuance  it is difficult to success. A minimum of four years will take to succeed in a business. There is around 23% of revenue generated from BPO sector. Financial requirement is a very important thing to consider before starting a business.
Everybody has disabilities. But some people are using some tools to help themselves and they are called as person with disability. It is only we need to get motivate. The persons with disabilities motivate themselves

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