Monday, October 15, 2012

Session 1 
Resource person: Mr. Sahil Singh,
 Co-founder and Head
Sales and Marketing,
Pipal Techventure,

The whole world is growing at a rate of 3 to 4% but Indian economy is growing at a rate of 7%. Great developments are happening in our economy. In few years we will rule the world economy. The country is in need of young entrepreneurs. Gen Y understands and appreciates online and tech worlds. The future is in their hands.
Amazon started in 1992 but the first profit was made in 2003. It is the ability to continue in spite of difficulty that counts. We are uncertain about the future. We are spoiled by choices. Our parents did not have many options and their goals were more specific. The more number of choices, the more uncertain we become. To be a successful entrepreneur it is important to have some amount of clarity about your goals.
Specific skill set is a dying concept now. Multitasking is the current trend and people with multiple skills are valued more. Entrepreneurship involves great deal of risk and this is where your real interest comes to scene. You must be passionate about what you are doing. Otherwise it’s hard to survive.
If you are a structured person you are not meant to become an entrepreneur. A person who wants everything in order cannot survive in this journey. It is the intellectual capital that you carry and how you deploy it that matters.

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