Sunday, October 14, 2012


                        A management development program on Entrepreneurship : Creating value was conducted in Kristu Jayanti College, Bangalore on 13 October 2012 by Department of management studies. The program started with a prayer song by Department coir.

                        The program was inaugurated by Shri Munish Mohan, General Manager  Regional Head IDBI Bangalore, by lighting the lamp. Fr Sebastian T A, Principal Kristu Jayanti College, addressed the gathering. Prof Aloysious Edward gave the introduction speech. He talked about the importance of entrepreneurship and how it contribute to the growth of our country.

                        Shri Munish Mohan given the inaugural speech, He started the session by saying Leaders are born in nature, leadership qualities inherit in people by  birth itself. Entrepreneur is one who is willing to take risk. The future is uncertain, what happen on the way to success cannot be predicted. An entrepreneur should take the risk and go ahead on the path. The life will never fail, the only quality we want is 'Don't give up in any situation'

                        The session ended with the vote of thanks by Mr Dhanesh.

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