Monday, October 15, 2012

Session 4

HR Manager
Cafe coffee day

50% of the population in India is below 25 yrs and 65% below 35 yrs. Average age of India in 2020 will be 29 yrs. India will be the country with most number of productive population. China will be following with average age 39 yrs and Japan 48 yrs. There will be a huge need of Entrepreneurs in the country and all around the world. As the digital world and technology is better understood by young brains, need for young entrepreneurs will increase. Our population and its youth strength will play a major role in shaping business and will rule the world economy.

Aspiration, passion, business model, competence, governance, integrity etc are the elements of success in entrepreneurship. Ability to understand market and demand are some other factors contributing to success. An entrepreneur must be resilient. Entrepreneur must set an example as a leader.

Session 3                                      
Ms Pavithra Y S
Managing Director
Vindhya e information Pvt Ltd
Ms. Pavithra started by telling that Entrepreneur is a person who makes his/her innovation to commodity goods. She focused more on women entrepreneurs. Women are risk takers compared to men. In India, only 23% are employed and it is really less compared to other countries.
The most important thing an entrepreneur need is passion. Next thing is that you should enjoy your work. Entrepreneur is a person who would love to take risk. She then quoted the words of Michael Dell "Leaders do not wait for the right moment." It is very important to focus. Without pursuance  it is difficult to success. A minimum of four years will take to succeed in a business. There is around 23% of revenue generated from BPO sector. Financial requirement is a very important thing to consider before starting a business.
Everybody has disabilities. But some people are using some tools to help themselves and they are called as person with disability. It is only we need to get motivate. The persons with disabilities motivate themselves

Session 2 
Mr. Venkatesh Varadachari
Cofounder and Director
Money Wizards

When money wizards started India was one of the worst countries in Asia for entrepreneurship. Even though population of our country is high India is a small market, small market with big potential. The major problem faced by an entrepreneur is when you really want to start a business no one takes you seriously. A beginner will always face huge financial crisis. Limited resource can affect you in many ways. You will struggle for survival. All you get is frustration. Everything takes longer and costs more. You will take several roles such as CEO, CPO, salesman etc. Manpower will be the scarcest resource.
It is essential to come up with a creative and catchy concept when you begin. The first thing to know is market acceptability. Develop the product and experiment by selling to a small group. Find the acceptability and get the feedback and then expand the market.
How much is it enough to start a business?  You have start with money to make money. Undercapitalised situations can bring terrible disasters how should it be spent? Spent more money in product development. What is the right time to rise funding? Fund should be raised after earning a little profit from your product. You should have the power to demand and bargain. How to increase chances for funding? Never let the person know that money is your motive. Ask for advice, develop a good relationship and bring him to a state where he cannot say no. Hire employees only when the need arises. You must have the talent to find the right person. Advertising is a very expensive way to get hurt. You can start advertising when you get enough venture capital.
It is ok if you don’t know much. You will learn when you start doing.

Session 1 
Resource person: Mr. Sahil Singh,
 Co-founder and Head
Sales and Marketing,
Pipal Techventure,

The whole world is growing at a rate of 3 to 4% but Indian economy is growing at a rate of 7%. Great developments are happening in our economy. In few years we will rule the world economy. The country is in need of young entrepreneurs. Gen Y understands and appreciates online and tech worlds. The future is in their hands.
Amazon started in 1992 but the first profit was made in 2003. It is the ability to continue in spite of difficulty that counts. We are uncertain about the future. We are spoiled by choices. Our parents did not have many options and their goals were more specific. The more number of choices, the more uncertain we become. To be a successful entrepreneur it is important to have some amount of clarity about your goals.
Specific skill set is a dying concept now. Multitasking is the current trend and people with multiple skills are valued more. Entrepreneurship involves great deal of risk and this is where your real interest comes to scene. You must be passionate about what you are doing. Otherwise it’s hard to survive.
If you are a structured person you are not meant to become an entrepreneur. A person who wants everything in order cannot survive in this journey. It is the intellectual capital that you carry and how you deploy it that matters.

Sunday, October 14, 2012


"Successful entrepreneurs are optimistic, goal oriented and persistent"


"Entrepreneurship is the road less taken"


                        A management development program on Entrepreneurship : Creating value was conducted in Kristu Jayanti College, Bangalore on 13 October 2012 by Department of management studies. The program started with a prayer song by Department coir.

                        The program was inaugurated by Shri Munish Mohan, General Manager  Regional Head IDBI Bangalore, by lighting the lamp. Fr Sebastian T A, Principal Kristu Jayanti College, addressed the gathering. Prof Aloysious Edward gave the introduction speech. He talked about the importance of entrepreneurship and how it contribute to the growth of our country.

                        Shri Munish Mohan given the inaugural speech, He started the session by saying Leaders are born in nature, leadership qualities inherit in people by  birth itself. Entrepreneur is one who is willing to take risk. The future is uncertain, what happen on the way to success cannot be predicted. An entrepreneur should take the risk and go ahead on the path. The life will never fail, the only quality we want is 'Don't give up in any situation'

                        The session ended with the vote of thanks by Mr Dhanesh.